"Case for the digital Aussie dollar," AFR 1/13/20.
"Vital Signs: the end of the checkout signals a dire future for those without the right skills," The Conversation 1/17/20.
"Vital Signs: climate-linked financial crises loom, but the fix isn’t up to central banks," The Conversation 1/24/20.
"Of course the RBA should cut rates," AFR 1/31/20.
"Vital Signs: the Iowa caucuses still have a great claim to retain first-in-nation status," The Conversation 2/7/20.
"Vital Signs: a connected world makes this coronavirus scarier, but also helps us deal with it," The Conversation 2/13/20.
"A Public Baseline: The Australian Health Care Model," American Affairs 2/19/20.
"Vital Signs: a 3-point plan to reach net-zero emissions by 2050," The Conversation 2/28/20.
"Morrison has the right fix — for now," Crikey 3/3/20.
"Vital Signs: Australian and US rate cuts underline seriousness of the coronavirus crisis," The Conversation 3/6/20.
"Why we must lock out COVID-19 right now," AFR 3/10/20.
"COVID-19 and the property market: Local aspect," The Australian Magazine 3/14/20.
"Vital Signs: Scott Morrison is steering in the right direction, but we’re going to need a bigger boat," The Conversation 4/3/20.
"Time to end cross-subsidy and increase number of domestic students," The Australian 4/8/20.
"Vital Signs: a lesson from game theory the coronavirus contrarians ignore," The Conversation 4/9/20.
"Vital Signs: APRA’s extraordinary gift to banks under pressure to pay dividends," The Conversation 4/17/20.
"Open letter from 174 Australian economists: don’t sacrifice health for ‘the economy’," The Conversation 4/20/20.
"Provide incentives for using the tracing app," AFR 4/21/20.
"Vital Signs: Modelling tells us the coronavirus app will need a big take-up, economics tells us how to get it," The Conversation 4/24/20.
"The big nudge: here’s how the government could spread its coronavirus tracing app far, fast and wide," Crikey 4/27/20.
"A quick return to normal in Australia – with no Covid-19 vaccine – would risk lives and the economy," The Guardian 4/27/20.
"It’s just started: we’ll need war bonds, and stimulus on a scale not seen in our lifetimes," The Conversation 4/29/20.
"Vital Signs: The evidence that lockdowns work may not be gold standard, but it’s good," The Conversation 5/1/20.
"How the environment could save the economy, post-pandemic," Crikey 5/8/20.
"Vital Signs: rules are also signals, which is why easing social distancing is such a problem," The Conversation 5/15/20.
"The costs of the shutdown are overestimated – they’re outweighed by its $1 trillion benefit," The Conversation 5/16/20 and The Guardian 5/16/20.
"Vital Signs: Australian barley growers are the victims of weaponised trade rules," The Conversation 5/22/20.
"Vital Signs: Morrison’s industrial relations peace gambit is worth a shot. Even if it fails, it’s shrewd politics," The Conversation 5/29/20.
"Vital Signs: Remembering Alberto Alesina, the father of political economy," The Conversation 6/5/20.
"Rather than risk rallies, let's show black lives matter with an eight-minute blackout," SMH 6/12/20.
"Vital Signs: why ‘the marketplace for ideas’ can fail from an economist’s perspertive," The Conversation 6/12/20.
"Vital Signs: COVID-19 recession is different – and we need more stimulus to deal with it," The Conversation 6/19/20.
"University fee changes will hurt the STEM disciplines," The Australian 6/22/20.
"Australia must reject austerity and embrace targeted spending to beat this recession," The Guardian 6/26/20.
"Vital Signs: why even competent politicians refuse to change policy course," The Conversation 6/26/20.
"Premier, close the border with Victoria now," SMH 7/1/20.
"Should we be able to refuse a test?" The Age 7/3/20.
"Vital Signs: Stamp duty is an economic drag. Here’s how to move to a better system," The Conversation 7/3/20.
"Should governments obsess about debt? Yes, say traditionalists. No, says the theory," Crikey 7/7/20.
"Vital Signs: We’re testing 50,000 Australians a day for COVID-19. Should it be 6.5 million?" The Conversation 7/10/20.
"Vital Signs: the cost of lockdowns is nowhere near as big as we have been told," The Conversation 7/17/20.
"Vital Signs: Victoria’s privatised quarantine arrangements were destined to fail," The Conversation 7/24/20.
"Thinking clearly about debt and deficits," Evatt Journal 19(1), 2020.
"Vital Signs: the COVID-19 crisis in aged care shows elimination is the only effective strategy," The Conversation 7/31/20.
"Vital Signs: Shorter meetings but longer days – how COVID-19 has changed the way we work," The Conversation 8/7/20.
"Vital Signs: this university funding crisis was always coming – COVID-19 just accelerated it," The Conversation 8/14/20.
"Vital Signs: the Reserve Bank has done as much as it can. Now it's up to the government," The Conversation 8/21/20.
"To open states borders on perilous," SMH 8/21/20.
"Vital Signs: No, we won’t change the corporate world with divestment and boycotts," The Conversation 8/28/20.
"Vital Signs: How do you fight a recession without precedent?" The Conversation 9/4/20.
"Vital Signs: batch testing and contact tracing are the two keys to stop the lockdown yo-yo," The Conversation 9/11/20.
"Vital Signs: 50 years ago Milton Friedman told us greed was good. He was half right," The Conversation 9/18/20.
"Australia’s News Media and Digital Platforms Bargaining Code is Great Politics But Questionable Economics," Promarket 9/21/20.
"Vital Signs: Google shouldn’t subsidise journalism, but the government could," The Conversation 9/25/20.
"Vital Signs: how to time a bombshell like Trump’s tax returns," The Conversation 10/2/20 and Channel News Asia 10/3/20.
"The budget’s tax cuts have their critics, but this year they make fiscal sense," The Conversation 10/6/20.
"Why do markets need designing? Lending Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ a hand," The Conversation 10/14/20.
"Vital Signs: yes, we need to make things in Australia, but not like in the past," The Conversation 10/16/20.
"Vital Signs: Google’s huge market share doesn’t automatically make it a monopoly," The Conversation 10/23/20.
"Biden needs to win big — for the sake of the Republican Party," Crikey 10/23/20.
"Vital Signs: we’ll never cut unemployment to 0%, but less than 4% should be our goal," The Conversation 10/30/20.
"Vital Signs: Sure, the US election is gerrymandered, but so are others, and it's hard to stop," The Conversation 11/5/20.
"Vital Signs: a global carbon price could soon be a reality – Australia should prepare," The Conversation 11/13/20.
"Vital Signs: Janet Yellen, the very model of a modern Madam Secretary," The Conversation 11/27/20.
"Vital Signs: 4 things Australia’s COVID response got right," The Conversation 12/18/20.