15.  "Incomplete Contracts and Mechanism Design" in P. Aghion, M. Dewatripont, P. Legros and L. Zingales (eds.), The Impact of Incomplete Contracts in Economics, Oxford University Press, 2016, 358-362.

28. "Optimal Gerrymandering in a Competitive Environment" (with John Friedman), Economic Theory Bulletin, 8(2), 2020, 347-367.

32. "Comparative Constitutional Studies:  From Matching and the Most Similar Cases Principle to Synthetic Control?" (with Rosalind Dixon), University of Chicago Law Review (online), April 2021.

33. "Open Access, Market Power, and Rents", VerfBlog, 2021/12/21. December 2021.

34. "Political Capital" (with Gabriele Gratton and Barton Lee), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 38(3), 2022, 632-674.

35. "Incentives to Discover Talent" (with Tobias Brunner, Guido Friebel and Suraj Prasad), Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 38(2), 2022, 309-344.

36. "Organizations with Power-Hungry Agents", (with Wouter Dessein), Journal of Law and Economics, 65(S1), 2022, S263-S291. 

37. "The Law and Economics of Blockchain", (with Anup Malani), Annual Review of Law and Social Sciences,  18, 2022, 297-313.

38. "An Examination of Velocity and Initial Coin Offerings", (with Anup Malani), Management Science, 68(12), 2022, 9026-9041.

39. "The Race That Stopped a Nation: Lessons from Australia’s COVID Vaccine Failures," (with Andrew Leigh), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 38(4), 2022, 818-832. 

40. "The effects of government policies targeting ethics and governance processes on clinical trial activity and expenditure: a systematic review" (with Sam Crosby, Stephen Jan, Bruce Neil, and Esther Rajadurai), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2022.

41. "The effects on clinical trial activity of direct funding and taxation policy interventions made by government: a systematic review" (with Sam Crosby, Stephen Jan, Bruce Neil, and Esther Rajadurai). PLOS One. September, 2022.

43. "Economic Policy in the 46th Parliament," in Brendan McCaffrie, Michelle Gratton and Chris Wallace (eds.) The Morrison Government: Governing through crisis. UNSW Press. 2023, 2019-2022.

44. “A Solomonic solution to blockchain front-running,” (with Joshua S. Gans). American Economic Association: Papers and Proceedings. 2023, 248-252. working paper version. medium post. solidity code. a video of the Solomonic contract in action

45. "The Future of the Intergenerational Report," in A. Podger, J. Hall, and M. Woods (eds.) More than Fiscal: The Intergenerational Report, Sustainability, and Public Policy in Australia. ANU Press, 2023, 201-205.

46. "Reshaping Australia: some economic observations," in Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 156(1), 2023, 1–9.

47. "Redesign carbon-removal offsets to help the planet," (with Philip Boyd, Lennart Bach and Chris Turney), Nature, 620, 31 August 2023, 947-949

48. "Factors influencing the time to ethics and governance approvals for clinical trials: a retrospective cross-sectional survey," (with Sam Crosby, Adriana Malavisi, Liping Huang, Stephen Jan and Bruce Neil), Trials 24:779, 2023.

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